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How do I sign up for the Do Not Knock Registry?
To sign up for the Do Not Knock Registry, visit and click on the tab or button that says “Join the Do Not Knock Registry”. This will take you to a form on which you can register your address. If you are having problems filling out the form on the website, please call 614.237.6333 and a clerk will assist you.
How long is my address listed on the Do Not Knock Registry?
As long as the City does not receive a notice of removal or learns that you no longer own or occupy that registered address, the address will remain on the Registry until December 31st of the fifth full calendar year from the date you registered your address. (Example: If you registered your address on October 1, 2015, it will remain on the Registry until December 31, 2020, at which time it will automatically be removed. If you desire your address to remain on the Registry beyond the full fifth year, you must re-register.)
Who may register an address to be placed on the Do Not Knock Registry?
Only the current occupant of the property (as owner or tenant) can submit the address for placement on the Registry.
What happens after I sign-up on-line for the Do Not Knock Registry?
After registering, your address will be placed on the Registry indicating that peddlers, and solicitors are not invited onto your property. You also will receive a letter in the mail from the City confirming that your address is on the Registry. The letter also will contain a sticker which must be placed on or near your front door or window so that it is clearly visible to someone approaching your property. If you receive a confirmation letter in error, please notify the Whitehall Division of Police by calling 614.237.6333 and ask to speak with a clerk.
What is the difference between a canvasser, peddler or solicitor?
A canvasser is a person that desires to verbally share information with the occupant about a particular idea, belief, issue or cause. A peddler is a person selling items door to door or that desires to obtain orders to buy items or services for delivery of the item or performance of the service at a later time. A solicitor is a person seeking funds or donations from the occupant.
Does the Do Not Knock Registry apply to youth selling items door to door or fundraising for schools or organizations?
Yes, the Registry applies to youth that go door to door raising funds for schools or organizations, whether that be in the form of donations (as a solicitor) or by selling items (as a peddler). A license is not required for charitable purposes but the Do Not Knock registry would still apply.
How do I remove my address from the Do Not Knock Registry?
Go to the Whitehall Division of Police, 365 S. Yearling Rd., Whitehall, Ohio 43213 and complete a form. You must also present an ID which shows that you are the current occupant (as owner or tenant) of the property.
I signed up for the Do Not Knock Registry. Why must I also display a Do Not Knock sticker?
Placing a sticker on or near your front door or window is required by code and will lead to better compliance from peddlers and solicitors due to the sticker’s visibility. Without the sticker placed on your front door or window, the City is without the ability to enforce violations of the Registry in those instances where a solicitor or peddler knocks on a door.
Where do I place the Do Not Knock sticker?
On or near your front door or front window so that it is visible to a passerby on the sidewalk or is visible to someone approaching your residence or business.
What do I do if I am on the Do Not Knock Registry and I have visibly placed the sticker on or near my front door or window, and a peddler or solicitor knocks on my door or rings my doorbell?
To report the incident, contact the Whitehall Division of Police’s non-emergency phone number at 614.237.6333. Do not call 911 as a violation of the Registry is not an emergency requiring immediate police response.
What is the penalty for violating the Do Not Knock Registry?
For a first-time offender, the individual is guilty of a 4th degree misdemeanor, which carries a fine up to $250.00 and/or up to 30 days in jail. If the individual is convicted of violating the Registry more than once, that person is guilty of a 1st degree misdemeanor, which carries a fine upto $1,000.00 and / or upto 180 days in jail.
Can I invite peddlers or solicitors onto my property even if I am on the Do Not Knock Registry?
Yes, you can invite any canvasser, peddler, or solicitor onto your property that you desire.
Can a peddler or solicitor leave material at my front door, porch or entryway, if they do not knock, even though I am registered on the Do Not Knock Registry?
Yes. The Registry contemplates someone knocking on your door or ringing your doorbell in an effort to verbally communicate with the occupant regarding their peddling or soliciting activity. If the person simply leaves material and in no manner attempts to verbally speak with you, doing so is not a violation of the Do Not Knock Registry.
How is the Do Not Knock Registry provided to peddlers or solicitors?
The Registry is available online at and a copy can be obtained from the Whitehall Division of Police, 365 S. Yearling Rd., Whitehall, Ohio 43213.
What if I am not on the Registry but I have my own "No Trespassing" or "No Soliciting" sign in my yard or entryway. Are these signs enforceable?
Yes, if you have a No Trespassing sign conspicuously displayed and visible to those passing by or entering onto your property, enforcement action could be taken. The individual could receive a warning, a summons, or be subject to arrest depending on the situation or if they refuse to leave your property after being advised. Entering onto the property of another when a sign clearly indicates that you are not invited or welcome is trespassing and a violation of Section 537.06 of the City’s Codified Ordinances. This offense is unrelated to the City’s No Knock ordinance and would need to be investigated by an officer. In most instances, the individual voluntarily leaves and no further action is required.